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A Guide to Deep Synastry in Astrology: Light Rays Fuse or Clash, How Lovers Interact




By Tryptamine Astrology Readings

What is synastry in astrology? It’s infinitely more complex than a simple equation of Sun signs.

Synastry in astrology goes much deeper, into a detailed clockwork of energetic interaction between two souls: the planets in two lovers’ charts making angles to each other, locking into a bond, clashing at certain points, fusing and blending at others.

This article will explain how synastry really works.

It’s All About the Angles

Imagine that your soul is a snapshot of the solar system at your time of birth: your soul is a snapshot of the beams of light flowing between the planets, reflecting light off of the sun, a maze of light rays bouncing around to make a snowflake that is you.

This is an astrology chart: a snowflake of light rays beaming to each other, imbued with the energy of the signs, the light rays, angles, represented by lines in the chart. It’s the shape of a soul.

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If you were born with Sun in Aquarius for example, the Sun was beaming the light rays of the area of sky we call Aquarius at your time of birth: your core identity (Sun) beams the energy of Aquarius (the thinker). If your Mercury is in Capricorn, your logical mind and communication (Mercury) are imbued with the somber, structured discipline of Capricorn.

However, if your Mercury squares Neptune, your mind beaming the somber, disciplined energy of Capricorn would regularly be plunged into confusion, with a high susceptibility to illusion: Mercury square Neptune (90 degree angle between the two planets) is an aspect highly susceptible to confusion, delusion, mental (Mercury) fog and watery, flowing imagination (Neptune), yet the imagination is flowing at a dysfunctional aspect (a Square.)

The aspect inherently clashes two forces of your personality, your logical mind (Mercury) and your place of spirituality and intuition (Neptune), and through the hard square, creates a permanent inner conflict.

To sum it up, your planets (pieces of your personality, from mind-Mercury to social interaction-Venus, to spirituality-Neptune), all relate to other pieces of your personality in angles, and while they relate to each other (angles), they are all imbued with the energy of their sign.

If your Venus trines Uranus, you have an inclination towards deriving pleasure (Venus) from thinking, learning (Uranus). If your Mercury is sextile Saturn, your mind (Mercury) has a functionally disciplined, structured, frugal way of operating.

If your Mercury squares Uranus, you could have a tendency towards electric outbursts of ideas (Uranus) that end up being sporadic and kind of dysfunctional, as your logical mind (Mercury) is at the hard square aspect to your place of mental intuition, ideas flowing through the mechanical mind (Uranus).

Yet even more detailed, every individual degree of every sign bears its own distinct energy: there are 30 degrees in every sign (as a sign is a 12th of a 360 degree ecliptic plane), and every 5 degrees or so you have a distinct little flavor of Aquarius, Pisces, ect.

Synastry in Relation to Angles

As pieces of your own personality relate to each other (planets in your chart making angles), pieces of your personality also relate to your lover’s personality.

Sun sign synastry recognizes that signs of the same element (air, fire, water, earth) get along well: that’s because signs of the same element form trines, 120 degree angles, considered to be the most positive aspect of all.

These Sun signs relate well to each other because their Suns trine:

Air- Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Fire- Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Water- Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Earth- Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

In addition, these Sun signs tend to clash and have conflict, because these signs square (make 90 degree angles):

Aries- Cancer

Capricorn- Libra

Taurus- Leo

Scorpio- Aquarius

Suns (core identities) tend to flow smoothly with positive aspects such as trines or sextiles, and they tend to clash with hard aspects such as squares or oppositions.

Now here’s where it gets detailed: just as your Suns may trine or square each other, every single planet in your charts, every piece of your individual souls will interact with other pieces of the lover’s soul, and you get very specific equations for how you relate to each other.

For example, if your Mercury is at 20 degrees Capricorn, with a lover’s Sun at 20 degrees Libra, the dynamic of your mental processes, your mind, your communication (Mercury) will rub your lover the wrong way, in his/her core sense of being (Sun). That would be your Mercury square his/her Sun.

If your Mercury is there, it would mean the energy that defines your logical thought processes (Mercury) is an energy that clashes with the energy flowing through his/her Sun (a Sun flowing with Libra energy). In particular, this would be the Capricorn-Libra square, which is a rigid, disciplined, serious (Capricorn) energy clashing with a fickle, socially inclined, delicate Libra energy.

Here’s a traditional definition of Mercury square your lover’s Sun from Astromatrix:

“A Mercury square Sun aspect challenges your partner’s way of thinking and their ideas about emotional fulfillment. The question of domestic or sexual expectations become more of an issue. When the Mercury person is square the Sun person you may find it difficult to discuss your ideas although you seem to have not lack of conversation, communication, a meeting of your minds, can prove quite a challenge at times.”

I would maintain that the aspect isn’t about emotional fulfillment, but more the dynamic of your mental processes (Mercury) versus a lover’s core identity (Sun).

Say your Neptune was at 20 degrees Sagittarius, and your lover’s Sun was at 20 degrees Leo: you lover would love you for your spirituality, your intuition, your feel for art and music (Neptune), and he/she would appreciate your spirituality at the core of her being (Sun) because her Sun makes a trine to your Neptune.

In particular, Neptune in Sagittarius (the 1970- 1984 generation) is a place of spirituality within your being (Neptune), beaming the energy of Sagittarius which is freeflowing, pondering, non-dogmatic, optimistic, open to suggestion, lighthearted, and non-committing.

With Sun in Leo trine a lover’s Neptune in Sagittarius, the warm, human, crafts-loving, hearty Leo energy would like the spiritual sense of pondering, similarly warm fire sign Sagittarius.

A traditional definition of Sun trine Neptune in synastry from Astromatrix:

“Sun trine Neptune aspect will cause you to see each other in light of your relationship potentials and give you the kind of understanding which will allow each other to live up to the couple you could become. When the Sun person is trine the Neptune person your partner will inspire your natural creativity and love and harmony will flow through your relationship. It can improve mutual psychological insight into a relationship, especially in the realm of the subconscious and past conditioning.”

That definition emphasizes the creative, empathic, subconscious nature of Neptune.

Say your Venus was in Aries, square your lover’s Saturn in Capricorn: your social dynamic, way of socializing and having friends, also experiencing pleasure and leisure (Venus) is imbued with the youthful, sporadic, fiery energy of Aries.

Your youthful, fiery way of socializing would clash with the somber, disciplined, hardened, serious, ambitious Saturn in Capricorn of your lover: in particular your way of socializing would upset the “Saturn” in your lover’s soul, which is their place of career, work, structure, discipline. Saturn is the planet of Capricorn: your social dynamic would clash with your partner’s hardened style of pursuing their career.

A definition of Venus square Saturn in synastry from Astromatrix:

“You face something about your romantic relationship that restricts your time together. There’s something about your partner’s viewpoints regarding romantic love and family that you can’t quite bring yourself to trust. When the Venus person is square the Saturn person, they may have problems with intimacy. Even if your partner is normally very generous, something is cautioning him/her to slow down and find out what it is they really needs.”

So you see, astrology works with angles: there are angles between planets in your chart, and the pieces of your consciousness all interact with the other pieces of you as an individual.

Similar to how we see light rays as crosses in telescopes, or how we see the Sun birthing rays in the shape of a 6 pointed star, for thousands of years astrologers have understood that planets flow energy to each other at different modes of functionality in different angles.


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Maybe your Mercury trines your Neptune, and your logical mind has an intuitive channel to spiritual Neptune. Maybe you were born with Venus conjunct Mars, and your social sense (Venus) is fused with your place of physical vitality and energy (Mars), to make you socially warm and energetic.

Maybe the Mercury in your chart trines your lover’s Neptune, and you two share a bond with spirituality and intuition (Neptune) flowing to the concrete, logical mind (Mercury), and through this you have the impeccable ability to have spiritual epiphanies together.

This is exactly why lovers seem to “click” in certain ways, bring out certain aspects of each other and simultaneously clash in different areas. Everyone needs the hard aspects too, or you would never learn lessons together.

It may seem crazy, but these formulas are very specific, and never incorrect if correctly interpreted.

One interesting thing you find in many synastry charts is this: hard Saturn squares, hard squares that create repeating conflicts, but at the same time bind two people in a special, karmic kind of way.

Hard aspects do bind people together, lock them in love and seal the lightbeam snowflakes of the spirits in a certain way that should be appreciated in its own rite.

If you want to learn more about synastry and angles, the search engine is your friend: there is plenty of information out there on the internet, tons of books on the subject, just as long as you scroll past the pop astrology to the underground stuff of substance.

To learn more, you could also visit Tryptamine Astrology Readings here.

For keys to the angles, see the diagrams below:

Sextile (60 degree angle between 2 planets)


Trine (120 degree angle between 2 planets)


Square (90 degree angle between 2 planets)


Opposition (180 degree angle between 2 planets)


Conjunction (0 degree angle, or up to 5 degrees, this is an “alignment”)


To see your own astrology chart and interpret your angles with the key above, visit Astrodienst here.

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