Why We Have to Feel to Heal
The shunning of feelings, especially in Westernized culture, has left a deep scar in our psyches. Some of the most profound therapy for the spirit comes from truly experiencing our emotions, so how do we heal when we simply can’t feel?
Ironically, to ‘shun’ our feelings leaves our ‘shen’ wounded. Shen is what the ancient Chinese called the spark of the divine within us. Shen manifests in many ways including the ability to forgive, show compassion, appreciate beauty, and have mercy for others, but we are taught from a very young age that our feelings are ‘bad’ or ‘wrong,’ and then spend a lifetime wondering why we suffer from ailments as varied as cancer or rheumatoid arthritis.
E-motion is energy that cannot move. It is trapped. It is this stagnation that is thought to cause disease. When we feel an emotion we are actually feeling the movement of energy through our bodies. Our refusal to feel means that we biochemically and biophysically halt energetic freedom.
Science is still trying to catch up with ancient philosophies which understood how important ‘feelings’ actually are to our overall physical and mental well-being. We just now are starting to draw the correlations between certain pains in the body and their correspondence to unfelt feelings.
A woman who was once suicidal until she learned to truly feel her feelings has these four questions you can ask yourself to help you get unstuck from feelings that are difficult to experience:
1. Is it true?
2. Can you absolutely know that it’s true?
3. How does it make you feel when you think the thought (…..)?
4. Who would you be without the thought (….)?
Energy in Motion = Emotion
Socrates understood that energy is separate from matter as we have conventionally defined it. The Universe is made up of oscillating, moving, swirling energy, and so are you. This energy was present long before the earth ever formed.
Since your body is nothing more than an amalgamation of energy vibrating at a certain velocity, then you can understand how stagnant emotion or energy would cause the ‘water to dirty’ in the clear pool of
our divine being.
“It’s not something you can say in 25 words or less. It is a whole new paradigm shift that basically leads you to realize you’re not alone. You are connected to everybody else. Your emotions are key. And you are leaving a wake, changing the world around you in a huge way.” ~ Candice Pert
In fact, unconscious emotion – that is the energy we have ‘frozen’ within our bodies, is usually ruling us. Anger, fear, hatred, lust, greed, cowardice, hurt, sadness, etc. are not inherently ‘bad,’ but if they are not felt fully when experienced we usually form unconscious habits surrounding those emotions which then eventually manifest as disease.
Bruce Lipton, and other researchers, including Russian cosmonauts learned that feelings trigger the release of tiny neuropeptides (NPs). These are absolutely critical for metabolic functioning. NPs are responsible for regulating hundreds of different functions, including the release of hormones in the body.
Still other researchers, including Candice Pert, a Chief Scientist of brain biochemistry at the National Institutes of Health, determined that every emotional state carries with it, a specific, identifiable frequency. When we feel ‘positive emotions’ like joy or thankfulness, our neuropeptides tell the body to release endorphins like oxytocin, which make us feel happy – creating a self-fulfilling prophecy-like feedback loop. While feeling negative emotions doesn’t cause an immediate dump of stress hormones, the prolonged presence of these emotions (usually buried in our subconscious) causes all matter of havoc to ensue within the body’s communication systems and hormonal flow.
“As our feelings change, this mixture of peptides travels throughout your body and your brain. They are literally changing the chemistry of every cell in your body.” ~ Candice Pert
Where do Unfelt Feelings Go?
In ancient yogic texts, we learn that unfelt emotions get stored in the body, but where do they go, exactly?
Rejected feelings not only get stored in our physical bodies, they get warehoused in our energetic bodies. When we bump into someone who triggers a feeling of shame, sadness, or hurt, it usually means that they are triggering the memory of an unfelt feeling which has been shunned and placed (temporarily) into our energetic storage locker – the chakra system. Instead of being angry at those people for showing you where your wounds are, you can use their presence as a cue to start feeling some of your old, dusty, discarded feelings.
The more they make you feel ___________ (insert unpleasant feeling) the more the opportunity for healing is present.
The Chakra system is also connected to the physical body, and can be very telling about energy that is stagnant or stored therein.
The lower three chakras, the Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus chakras are ruled by what is called Goddess or Mother Energy and our intuition. They keep us grounded to the earth – our home. The heart chakra in the middle considered the bridge between our base emotions and the higher, spiritual abilities.
The upper three chakras – the throat, third eye, and crown chakras are governed by divine inspiration. All of the chakras are important, and store emotions according to their governance. For instance, if you are a workaholic, and have issues with trust you have stored unfelt emotion in your root or sacral chakras. If you have issues with speaking your truth, or being honest with yourself or others, you likely have stagnant energy in the throat chakra.
Letting the Flood Gates Open
When we meditate, or practice using other spiritual tools, we are really not changing anything about ourselves or our experience. We are already divine beings. What we are doing, is allowing, with love and consciousness, the stored emotion to flow freely again. Once this energy is consciously felt, it no longer has to be rehashed over and over again by the subconscious mind.
From this more conscious place, we can literally change our vibrations, alter our physiology, and be ‘cured’ from every possible ailment imaginable.
To heal, we must feel, and from this profound place of peace, we return to our wholeness.
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