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Goldman Sachs Financial Tricks to Prop Up “The Economy is Great!” Claim, Fund Syrian War



The age of parasite capitalism still hasn’t sputtered to its final death. Among the larger players is Goldman Sachs, the very same megabank that the oligarchs use to fund terrorism – like the latest foray into Syria. Goldman Sachs is known for money laundering, billion-dollar-lobbying for the ease of punishment for corporations who launder said money, drug pushing, defrauding investors, war profiteering, and now, outright lying in order to keep their grimy claws on as much government-baptized cash as possible.

Annual bonuses to the Goldman Sachs’ elite were recently topped off at $23 billion, but that still isn’t enough funny money to keep the masses hysterical and dazed. Goldman Sachs’ top lawyer is also accused of being the cabal’s go-to guy when the natives get restless, but to keep the rhetoric around a great economy – restored by a certain president in charge, we’re now expected to ignore a sick and lackluster economy based on Goldman Sachs’ charts and graphs. But there’s another story unfolding which even evil bankers can’t corrupt.

Goldman just tried to justify a collapse in loan growth, which has reached its slowest pace in 6 years. It is expected to peter out completely soon. When no one is taking out loans, it’s because no one is making money and they can’t qualify for them.

Banks need us to borrow money, because that’s how they earn usury-level interest rates based on the fractional banking system. Unless they are planning to collapse an economy completely, they need to maintain loan rates and employment at a certain level so that we will continue to “agree to our own confinement,” as Dr. Brad Evans explains it in this amazing interview with Russell Brand:

In order to perpetuate a certain illusion, Goldman is trying to paint a rosy picture concerning the financial climate while we are observing the worst mortgage applications number since the 90s financial crisis. U.S. consumer demand for mortgages imploded at a pace indicative of an outright recession.

Despite this, the Fed is hiking rates further which will also crash the housing market – all as it has been designed to do. We’re supposed to believe the Great Recession that began 8 years ago is ending, and that the economy is recovering enough for the Federal Reserve Chair to implement its second rate-hike in just a few months – but what we’ve got is a false market, propped up with the usual criminal shenanigans of Goldman, the Fed and other key financial manipulators.

The Fed conveniently waited until after US elections to raise the rates. Why? What are they really trying to do – especially now that we’re all being dragged into WWIII? As Dr. Ron Paul has stated, more than $16-trillion-worth of transactions have been conducted with overseas banks. Foreign banks are a major recipient of Federal Bank Funds. This is part of the reason so many people want to audit the Fed. It is likely that with a full audit, the money trail for the current warmongering situation would be exposed. Dr. Paul says,

“The reason to have an audit is to find out what they’re hiding. The information they’re most protective of are the details of where many trillions of dollars used in the bailout went, and what the collateral was.”

He continues, “We want to know the details of what the agreements were,” Paul says, “and whether any of that money will be recouped.”

And more importantly, why do banks like Goldman and the Feds keep pushing war to prop up their false fronts? The Fed has already publicly admitted to rigging the stock market, and we know that Goldman Sachs is overrun with criminals. If we follow the money – it becomes very clear who is funding terror in the world today.

Considering there is now circulating, a declassified CIA memo which planned for a Syrian Regime collapse as early as 1986 – you have to wonder what money has changed hands?

Syria CIA

Featured image: Source, REUTERS/Brendan McDermid/File Photo

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