Why Do Children Seek Constant Gratification? People Are Insatiable Entities
Why is it that children are constantly seeking fulfillment? Especially toddlers, they are pedantic: always seeking some kind of gratification, sometimes as upset as they can possibly be when they aren’t able to get what they want.
Why is it that young children cry and do this? It certainly is normal and inherent in the behavior of young children, and I think that’s because an insatiability is characteristic of all human beings, and in another way, all life on Earth.
Insatiability, seeking things externally, feeding on things, fiending for things: this is a common theme throughout our planet. Usually people don’t consider how it would be if that weren’t the case, but I recently thought about how strange it is. I certainly seek things for fulfillment externally in the same way. Why do all life-forms have to gain sustenance from consuming other things?
In other planes of existence, if they exist, do life-forms feed on matter the way we do? Is it an anomaly, perhaps a defining characteristic of this existence, that animals and life-forms constantly have to consume organic matter for sustenance, constantly breathe air, and constantly seek things outside itself?
I’m also starting to believe that, learning to go without things, learning to stop seeking things for constant gratification, may be a core lesson for all people in this existence.
It seems that things go better for people in life, and they feel better, when they don’t need as much. We all seem to have this thing within us that is similiar to the way substance addicts behave: we may have a constant itch, a dissatisfaction, to seek something outside of ourselves.
There are certain things that are plentiful in life, and that don’t have the same effect necessarily: music, comedy, enjoying nature, ect. While it’s certainly possible to hone in on those things too much and depend on them too much for satisfaction, certain things like music cost little and don’t create the same pattern of insatiable thinking.
Hopefully this was some interesting food for thought: it seems to benefit people to not crave things, not be insatiable, to learn contentedness without a lot of things.
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