Create Your Own Magical Moon Garden With Flowers That Bloom at Night
Planting a moon garden is a great way to get in touch with nature.
(TMU) — If you love soaking up the light of the moon, planting a moon garden will enhance the experience with plants that blossom at night. With each moonlit night, the subtle fragrance of the blossoms will fill the air while they glow in the moonlight.
There are quite a few plants with flowers that open at night, and when mixed with silver leafed day bloomers they’ll present a spectacular sight in the moonlight.
Your Moon Garden should be planted in an area that gets good exposure to the moon’s light, essential for lighting up the beauty of your chosen plants. During the periods when the moon is not full, you can use solar lanterns or LED candles to light up your moon garden.
These night bloomers will transform your garden when lit up by the moon
- Moonflower: During the day, the white flowers remain shut but at night they open up and release a light lemony scent. A cousin of the Morning Glory, the flower of some species of this climber can be as big as 5 to 6″ in diameter when open.
- Evening Primrose: The pale pink-white flowers open at dusk and release a sweet aroma. A perennial ground-cover that spreads quickly, covering a lot of ground.
- Night Phlox: Also known as midnight candy, the blooms release a delicious, honey-like fragrance. The plants grow 12- to 14-inches tall and do well in pots as well.
- Evening Stock: This old-fashioned annual is easily grown from seed. The dainty lavender and pink flowers open at dusk and emits a lovely fragrance.
- Angel’s Trumpet: This annual is a fast spreading vine with white trumpet shaped flowers resembling a bell when open.
- Night Gladiolus: This is not a night blooming plant but it’s creamy yellow flowers spicy scent is strongest at night.
Climbers like the Moonflower need a support like a trellis to grow on. Good support will encourage full blooming.
Try these excellent day bloomers that also catch the moonlight to complement the night-bloomers
- Dusty Millers: The silvery-grey, fern-like foliage are low maintenance and the plant is lovely to use as an edge or border around the garden.
- Silver Thyme: The lemon-scented leaves of this thyme plant are green edged with silver and the blooms are pale lavender.
- Lamb’s Ears: This ornamental has soft and fuzzy leaves in a pale green covered in silver fuzz. It spreads very quickly and will take over the garden if you don’t keep it in check.
- Mugwort (Artemesia): A silvery-green herb with a lovely smells amazing. It is said to have a number of magical uses.
- Silver Sage: This strain of sage has silver and fuzzy leaves, arranged in a rosette.
- White vegetables will add a surprise element to your moon garden. Try Alba eggplants, Baby Boo or Lumina pumpkins, and the pumpkins will make great Halloween decorations.
Herbs with lunar connections
- Camphor: Known to get rid of negative energy. Use for protection or purification such as clearing old energy from a new home. Also useful for cleaning crystals and ritual tools and space.
- Gardenia: A beautiful and fragrant flower, connected to peace and harmony, it keeps conflict at bay and protects from outside influences. Planted around the perimeter of your yard or near your doors to keep negative people away.
- Jasmine: The sensuous scent is often used in perfumes. It is the flower of attraction and its heady fragrance arouses passion and sensuality.
- Moonwort: Associated with dreams and intuition. Moonwort is useful in any spell work relating to lunar connections.
- Sandalwood: Associated with healing and purification, this fragrant wood is also used for protection magic and is used in religious ceremonies and rituals worldwide.
- Willow: Planted near your home, a Willow will help guard against danger such as natural disasters from storms and flooding.
- Water Lily: Associated with the clarity of desire, direction and the creative process. Creative and artistic souls will benefit having water lilies in their space
To complete your garden, add comfortable seating where you and yours can relax and enjoy your magical Moon Garden.
By Jade Small | Creative Commons | TheMindUnleashed.com
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