As we progress through the process of ascension, several stages occur. Among them is a shake-up which inspires an initial awakening, then the full realization of...
We want to be creative so much, though it is only rarely given to us. Only when we are not under the pressure to perform and...
The root cause of stress is fear, as all fear is the threat of losing our attachments. If we’re attached to a desired outcome, anything that...
Who or what am I? I’m just the sum of my personal life story, memories, experiences, thoughts and sufferings? Or is therein me a hidden dimension of...
Confucius said: “Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know more.” We hear and speak words everyday for the reason that we heavily rely...
Nature is a master at what it does. It knows how to adapt, survive, thrive, nurture growth, evolve, connect, synergize, exchange energy, and work in a...
At it’s deepest level, most of us have no clue as to what the word government truly means. The word government is a word that we...
“The ability to observe without evaluating is the highest form of intelligence.” ―Jiddu Krishnamurti A sage is someone who can put into words the aspects of our mysterious nature...