While snorkeling off the coast of an island south of Borneo, in Indonesia, wildlife photographer Justin Hofman captured an image that perfectly portrays the destruction mankind...
For ten years during the Vietnam War, the United States used a toxic concoction of two herbicides, labeled ‘Agent Orange,’ to wipe out large areas of...
Good news! The elusive yet elegant snow leopard, which lives in the mountains of central Asia, is no longer considered to be “endangered.” After assessing data...
Without a doubt, the world is a better place than it was 100 years ago. No longer must women secure their place in the world through...
Every item and concept in the world is a double-edged sword. Food can either nourish someone or it can contribute to their demise. A knife could...
WARNING: Some of the following images are graphic and are NSFW. On this day sixteen years ago, two planes collided with the World Trade Center buildings...
French street artist JR is but one of many who opposes the US-Mexico border wall and made his distaste for the division evident with a recent...
We’ve seen some interesting maternity photo shoots before — such as the August 2017 eclipse maternity series, but never before have we seen anything like this!...