A new robot created by Boston Dynamics, owned by Google’s parent company Alphabet, is possibly the most agile and aggressive one seen yet. The video of...
Tesla’s first gigafactory, incredible in both size and scope, was already a massive achievement for Elon Musk, Tesla’s CEO, as well as sustainable energy advocates, but in...
Did you know that in rural India… 50% of children between the ages of 6 to 14 are not going to see the inside of a...
Have you tried various forms of meditation, and yet still find yourself searching for that one method that works for you? If you have not tried...
We are all deserving of abundance in all ways in our lives. When it comes to creating wealth and affluence, what stands in our way from...
The time between Christmas and the New Year, is a precious space where one can go within and ask valuable questions. It’s a potent portal of...
Solstice blessings to ALL. We find ourselves moving more and more into a new way of being, and this Solstice is offering up to us a...
For a wound to heal… you don’t keep touching it, picking at it or scratching it. It’s common sense, right? So… why do we keep doing it...