
This Is Why The World Hasn’t Changed Yet



We live in exciting and hopeful times. More and more people are beginning to challenge the status quo and care about creating a better world for future generations. We are beginning to understand that change won’t come about by putting all faith on political leaders, but by cultivating and exerting our own power to steer society in a new direction by living differently.

Though understandably enough, many of us are angry. Angry at authorities who continually push for an agenda that destroys the earth and causes suffering across the globe. Angry at the lies we have been fed; designed to make us apathetic to injustice and give our power away.

We march the streets, we shout out against injustice on social media, we follow and scrutinize politicians’ every move… but sometimes at the expense of remembering the most important factor in creating the change we say we want.

The following video serves as a reminder for us all activists and changemakers to keep our eyes on the path and be more effective in our mission of making the world a better place.

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