As holidays urge people to travel, in China hundreds of millions recently traveled for the Lunar New Year holiday. The Chinese government utilized the annual opportunity...
“A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a...
Recently, a few studies were released that claim to identify the missing matter in the Universe. They say the missing matter in their calculations may come...
Catalonia has “won right to statehood,” as results of a plebiscite vote for independence from Spain — declared illegal and banned by the Spanish government —...
Adopting a pet in California may soon assist in curbing an astronomical explosion in stray and feral animals, if Governor Jerry Brown signs unprecedented legislation banning...
Did you know? Hurricane Irma, which recently tore into the Caribbean and is heading towards Florida, is one of the most powerful Atlantic Ocean hurricanes on...
Understanding an astrology sign, or an axis (opposite signs), is insightful to the nature of human beings and the archetypal systems of life. While archetypes about...
Next month, there will be two eclipses: a full moon eclipse on August 7th in Leo and Aquarius, and a New Moon eclipse on August 21st...