In the frozen silence of the Arctic, where ice has reigned for millennia, a dramatic transformation is underway. Scientists now predict that by the summer of...
Emotional Freedom Techniques by Psychic Bridgette EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), also called Tapping, is a healing technique that is capable of providing excellent results in curing...
In the USA, many Americans are getting ready to celebrate Independence Day or July Fourth with fireworks, parades, concerts, family gatherings, beers, and barbecues. Many Americans...
Next year, many Americans will be preparing themselves to go vote at the next presidential election, which is scheduled for November 8, 2016. If you are...
Religion is a very powerful system to use for shaping cultures and societies. Throughout human history, religion has played an important role for helping the human...
Binge eating disorder is a serious health condition that causes us to always want to eat, even when we are not hungry. We often do not...
Have you ever imagined how life would be without long-term memory? Not remembering your phone number, your friend’s name, where you live, or what to say...
Meditation is an energy healing art that has great health benefits, but it is often overlooked by most people. Many people tend to shy away from...