The more I ponder about life, the more I come to one solid realisation: The biggest curse and predicament of modern Man is forgetfulness. Like a...
We are living fragmented lives in an increasingly frenetic world. Overworked and overstressed we spread ourselves thin flipping between several roles in a single day. We can be a parent,...
“The thing about people who are truly and malignantly crazy: their real genius is for making the people around them think they themselves are crazy. In...
“Intent is not a thought, or an object, or a wish. Intent is what can make a man succeed when his thoughts tell him that he...
A few years ago, I was placed on multiple antidepressants. Eventually, the realization that they were not only subduing depression but were subduing all other emotions...
“The door to the soul is unlocked; you do not need to please the doorkeeper, the door in front of you is yours, intended for you,...
The short end of the stick is that all inner change or personal transformation happens at a deeper level of consciousness. No matter how brilliant our...
If one had to look for a common point of departure amongst many spiritual traditions, I think that it has to be the idea of the embodied...