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Energy Healing and Hacking the Living Matrix



Believe it or not the doctor, the pills you are taking, the treatments you undergo or even the surgery you have isn’t what heals your body or cures your illness. Herbs, medicines, exercise and therapy only does one thing; it supports the body’s ability to heal itself. Whether you get sick or break your leg the healing that takes place comes from your own immune system, and bodies ability to regenerate.

With that being known we do have the ability to make sure our body and mind have the proper support that it needs in order to expedite our healing and help us heal more completely. This can be done with many different plant medicines, eating a healthy diet, exercising, reducing stress, freeing the mind and cultivating a holistic and positive way of life. Being surrounded by loving family or friends can also aid in the healing process.

Our minds are also incredibly powerful when it comes to the healing process. Even if you just study the placebo effect you will be shocked at how many times the body will heal itself once it feels like it has permission to do so. The science behind how it works is largely unknown but there is definitely an underlying factor that we often forget in our society which is that we have much more power over our situation and health than we have previously been lead to believe.



The Living Matrix – The Science of Healing

In the documentary The Living Matrix – The Science of Healing they go over some of the most powerful factors that affect our ability to heal and create a holistic life. The major focus of the film is the science and case by case evidence for not only our ability to heal our own body but how energy healing can be done by another in order to expedite the healing process.



The film includes experts in many fields including psychology, bioenergetic research, holistic and homeopathic doctors, nutritionists and many other dedicated scientists. It follows practitioners and patients as they explain the process of how traditional healthcare is starting to see the benefits of this field and people are beginning to recover from many major diseases.

One of the example cases in the documentary is a young boy with cerebral palsy who struggles to walk on the flat part of his foot, open his hand, walk down stairs or even hug his parents. He comes in contact with an energy healer who is able to bring him a great deal of relief, ease his pain and greatly increase his quality of life.

Another story talks about the incredible stories of a woman who has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor and about another woman who has fibromyalgia and had almost completely stopped functioning because of her chronic fatigue syndrome. Each of these cases were greatly impacted by the information-based therapy or energy healing.

Watch the Documentary Live Right Here!

Modern medicine really doesn’t have a framework for the vast possibilities and potential of the healing power of the body and mind combination. The major issues comes down to the current system they have which is all based around a biochemical system. Though we do have many important chemical reactions and hormones in our system there is also a whole web of electrical energy that influences our mind, body, and emotions.

Our Minds Physically Change our Body

The alternative and more holistic approach in this documentary really helps us understand how we can push the limits on our own life in order to increase our own health and wellness while also reaching our potential.

One of my favorite examples is the study they present where people went to the gym and exercised their biceps while another group sat at home and visualized the exercise. In both groups the researchers saw increased muscle mass. It is incredible when you think about how the body couldn’t tell the difference between what happens physically and what happens only in our minds.



Our Thoughts Matter

In the end it seems absolutely crucial that we take the time to train our minds in a way where we aren’t overrun with our negative and limiting thoughts. If you are continuously thinking that your situation is helpless it makes it extremely hard for the body to heal itself. Tools such as positive thinking, sending compassionate thoughts to others, and changing our thinking patterns can be one of the biggest key elements in our own self healing process.

Another example from the film that stuck out to me is the experiment where the doctors performed surgery on a group of patients that all complained of knee pain and had been diagnosed with arthritis. Half of the surgeries where real and the others where faked in a way that appeared real to the patient on the outside. In the end both groups healed up as if they had the surgery but half of them didn’t have a real surgery.

This shows us that when we are convinced that something will heal us our body will begin to heal itself in a way that should encourage a worldwide study of mind over matter and information-based therapies.

Let us know in the comments below what you think about energy healing, information-based therapy, and how this could impact the medical world.


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