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Video Shows Man Repeatedly Driving F2 Ferrari Race Car on Motorway Despite Cops Warning Him Not To

Police asked members of the public to help them search for the driver.



Ferrari Race Car

Footage has emerged online showing what appears to be a Formula 2 Ferrari race car driving down a public motorway in the Czech Republic.

The vehicle was filmed as it traveled along the D4, a motorway with two lanes that connects the Czech Republic’s capital city to the country of Germany.

Scroll down to watch the video.

In the Czech Republic, it is against the law to operate a vehicle like this on a public road.

Several motorists on the road have recently filmed the Ferrari race car, and one of those people shared footage of it with In the video, the vehicle can be seen accelerating to zoom pass other cars on the motorway.

Since F2 cars are capable of reaching high speeds of up to 200 miles per hour, it certainly makes sense to prohibit them from driving on public roads.

The same race car was also reportedly spotted on the D4 highway between Pribram and Dobris in 2019.

Previously, the police had asked for members of the general public to help them search for the driver because he was suspected of breaking numerous traffic laws. The individual was allegedly located by the authorities, but he rejected the accusations, allowing him to avoid a monetary penalty and the possibility of being banned from driving for one year.

The Drivers’ Protection Society, which represented the suspect, pointed out that the police failed to stop the vehicle and identify the driver. This contributed to the suspect’s acquittal.

It was difficult for the authorities to confirm who was driving the car because the driver wore a helmet to protect themselves while they were operating the vehicle.

It is unknown at this time whether the police are conducting any additional investigations into the most recent incident to determine the driver’s identity.

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