Mainstream media and negative interactions on the street might cause you to think that the world is a dark and hateful place—but thankfully this isn’t true....
Two Massachusetts elementary school students are being praised for their innovative approach to slowing drivers: 3D crosswalk bars. The multi-dimensional message is simple: slow down. And,...
Far too often, our world is a grim and dark place where the basic essence of humanity is frequently forgotten. Our social media feeds are often...
“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.” –Edward Abbey On...
As if you need another reason to love Willie Nelson, news has recently surfaced that the musician and marijuana activist is also a horse lover. He’s...
In the hustle and bustle of the daily grind, it can be easy to forget that we’re dealing with real people throughout the day–whether it’s the...
Sikhs the world over are leading the charge when it comes to reconnecting to nature. The Million Tree Project aims to plant one million new trees...
A school in the Midwest is going the extra step of ensuring that students will be able to eat not only on campus, but at home...