Have you ever considered that only the moment of Now exists truly? There is no past, only memories, and there is no future either, only imaginations...
For a wound to heal… you don’t keep touching it, picking at it or scratching it. It’s common sense, right? So… why do we keep doing it...
Many people are concerned about the increasing pollution, violence and suffering. We want to help, but many times we feel that we are powerless against these...
And we don’t have to be president to help make the world a better place either. For a very long time now, we have wanted change to...
Many of us think that we are not only the main actors of the films of our lives but also the directors of it. But the...
We want to be creative so much, though it is only rarely given to us. Only when we are not under the pressure to perform and...
Throughout history, Halloween has signified more than just a corporate holiday celebrated by children eating candy and adults partying in silly/slutty costumes. Across ancient cultures around...
Allow me to draw your attention to an apparently surprising thing. If I told you that now, when you are reading these lines, you are in...