Epigenetics is an emerging science that mainstream biologists and medical professionals have largely ignored. It details how our environment can deeply change a human being for...
I’m not going to lie. I’ve tried ‘sitting’ for over an hour a day consistently for more than two decades. While I’ve been able to accomplish...
Not long ago on our land at the Valhalla Movement we spent three months building our Earthship-inspired greenhouse. It was messy, unnecessarily long, cold, and fraught with...
**Please be advised that you should properly research how to fast if it’s something you are considering. This is just a tidbit of information that’s out...
Have you ever imagined how life would be without long-term memory? Not remembering your phone number, your friend’s name, where you live, or what to say...
Consciousness – The Unified Field What follows is a theoretical explanation of how energies interact in our universe to create what we know, and also what...
Frequency is an expression of consciousness or energy that allows nature to organize matter, atoms, and subatomic particles into patterns and sacred geometries. Frequency also has...