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Ancient History

Secrets of the Great Pyramids Revealed



Resilient national pressure from the Egyptian government promotes an age-old concept that three Egyptian pharaohs were responsible for constructing the pyramids at Giza. Others, including Graham Hancock, believe that the pyramids were constructed far earlier, and by totally different builders – likely an alien race. Their purpose has also been a subject of contention throughout the ages. Were these massive structures in the middle of a modern-day desert really just tombs for royalty, or were they used for something else altogether, and why has their true purpose been so closely guarded through the ages?


In the process of full disclosure, which we are are just beginning to see early signs of, we are re-learning many truths about our own ancient origins, as well as the purposes of massive monuments like the Great Pyramids. We are also even starting to see them on other planets. Surely a pyramid is placed elsewhere than just earth for reasons more vital than simple aesthetics.

Recently NASA’s Dawn mission finally entered into Ceres’ orbit. Just one of the mysterious findings was a three-mile-high pyramid on Ceres’ surface. NASA has no explanation for how it got there or why it exists.

Grainy pictures of another pyramid on the moon have also been debunked, but former NASA employees have stated that NASA alters photographs all the time. Minimally, more detailed pictures have surfaced that suggest there is more on our moon than the agency is letting on.

Where else do these great structures, based on divine geometry, lie in our solar system? Who placed these structures where they are?

There are multiple PhD theses written by ufologists as well as Egyptian historians which discuss the strange properties of pyramids. They are astounding for a number of reasons, aside from their very precise geometric and mathematic foundations, as well as their relationship, as in the pyramids of Giza, to one another.

The Russian Academy of Scientists has hosted numerous experiments to find out the true nature of the pyramid. Among their findings are some mind-blowing discoveries:

  • Agricultural seeds placed within a pyramid had increased yields of 30-100% after only being within the pyramid’s energetic field for 3 to 5 days.
  • In areas where earthquakes were considered potentially devastating, one large earthquake was turned into many smaller tremors, all due to the presence of a pyramid.
  • Oil from an area in Southern Russia called Bashkiria turned 30 percent less viscose (lighter), which means it was easier to extract and oil well yields increased. This was confirmed by the Moscow Academy of Oil and Gas.
  • Wounds healed faster in the presence of a pyramid.
  • Leukocytes in the blood were increased.
  • The immune system in numerous biological organisms was greatly improved.
  • Newborns given solutions made from charged pyramid energy experienced greater health.
  • Over 5000 inmates subjected to an experiment in Russian prisons were less violent, and overcame decades’ long drug and alcohol addictions. The only change was that salt and pepper which had previously been inside a pyramid was added to their food.
  • Pyramids were able to decrease the strength of viruses and bacteria.
  • Ordinary water did not freeze even at 40 degrees below zero and was able to retain its perfect structure for years.
  • Synthesized diamonds turn out harder and purer.
  • The higher the pyramid was built, the more increased these and other positive phenomenon occurred.

There are also studies suggesting that a pyramid is simply a conductor of life energy or photons, thought to be the primal building block of everything in the Universe.   A pyramid can restore contaminated water, clean chemtrails out of the air, and has even caused extinct flowers and ferns to regrow in an area that was formerly covered with only prairie grasses. (

Meditators who spend time inside a pyramid are said to have a profound activation of their pineal glands, and thus expedite ascension. This phenomenon likely occurs because of the light-recepting crystals which float inside the pineal gland itself, but which are often calcified by the time most human beings are in their late teens due to diet, and other toxins. This is called the piezoelectric effect, and has been well documented. If pyramids collect photons, then it would make sense that the tiny light-receptors in a gland deep in our brains would respond to this action.

A properly constructed pyramid could likely also provide free energy, heal a number of diseases, and repair the etheric bodies of so many of us on this planet that have been attacked by ‘dark side’ forces.

If you still believe this advanced technology was introduced to this planet by ancient Egyptians, instead of an advanced alien race, you are not alone. Regardless of your belief about their origins, though, pyramids are a scientifically proven, powerful tool of transformation which could utterly transform this planet. They should be built with the proper orientation, everywhere.

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