The phenomenon of “cocaine sharks” is taking the spotlight, potentially providing the narrative for the next sensational marine-based disaster film. Researchers are speculating that sharks, driven...
The renowned director of the iconic movie “The Terminator”, James Cameron, has recently shared his thoughts on the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI). As the...
Arthur Walters Jr., a veteran who recently marked his 104th birthday, has a unique secret to his long life – his faithful companions, Jim Beam and...
The tragic demise of Tupac Shakur, an iconic figure in the world of hip-hop, has been a topic of intrigue and speculation for over two decades....
Renowned UFO investigator, Ross Coulthart, has made a startling assertion that a colossal extraterrestrial spaceship is concealed beneath a significant global landmark. According to Coulthart, the...
The United States Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, recently had an unconventional culinary experience during her visit to China, as reported by the New York Post. Yellen,...
Burger King, a global fast-food giant, has recently stirred up a buzz in Thailand with its innovative menu addition. The new item on the menu is...
The field of cosmetic surgery, while often associated with vanity and the pursuit of physical perfection, has a darker side that is not as frequently discussed....
In a fascinating show of avian resourcefulness, birds have been observed pilfering anti-bird spikes installed by humans, then using them in the construction of their nests....
While most performers request their fans to refrain from physical violence, punk-rocker Machine Gun Kelly agreed to an unusual plea from a fan: the desire to...
For some reason, the loss of a pet is often dismissed as a cause of trauma, and anybody who has ever experienced the tsunami of sadness...
The size of one of the sun’s sunspots has increased to the point that it can be seen from Earth without the need of magnification; nevertheless,...
MrBeast has reacted to being “cancelled” because he purportedly bought almost all of the houses on one street so that his staff could live in them....
"Right now, they're not more intelligent than us, as far as I can tell. But I think they soon may be."
The elementary school principal who was forced to quit after she showed a class of sixth grade children photos of Michelangelo’s David has now had the...
A woman of 24 years old was recently diagnosed with cancer after ignoring the strange symptom of constant burping for an extended period of time. A...
When you’re working on the production line at a factory and trying to fulfill ever-changing deadlines, being a busy robot might make life challenging. It is...
It has been discovered that the Bible has a new chapter that was concealed inside a translation of the Gospel of Matthew that is 1,750 years...
After kissing a little kid and urging him to ‘suck’ his tongue, the Dalai Lama has issued an apology for his actions. The 14th Dalai Lama,...
One giant leap for mankind.