In our days the Facebook generation have debuted on the revolving stage of life. The Facebook generation started in 1996 with Facebook and its members are...
Here are five facts about the Total Lunar Eclipse taking place on Sunday September 27th/ Monday Sept 28th, (Scroll down to #5 to learn about what...
Epigenetics is an emerging science that mainstream biologists and medical professionals have largely ignored. It details how our environment can deeply change a human being for...
What does it mean that the Soul is mature or immature? If, during your spiritual Journey, you ask yourself the question:“What do I expect from life?”...
The Human Mind is a wonderful masterpiece that has immense potentials. Most of the potentials, however, remain unused at most people, since it is not us...
On a bleak weekday of your spiritual Journey you arrive home, full of stress and frustration, and open the mailbox. It is, as usual, full of...
In our life most of us have experienced one or two mysterious encounters, when visitors come to us from the unknown. These special guests are in...