(TMU) — Thousands of alien enthusiasts appear to be planning to storm the infamous Area 51 in Nevada in a desperate attempt to gain entrance into...
Facebook has once again found itself in the hot seat after a scathing investigation revealed the social media giant entered into secret deals giving their corporate...
Moments prior to accepting Harvard University’s prestigious Radcliffe Award on Friday, Hillary Clinton had an on-stage heart-to-heart with Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey. During their chat,...
It seems not to matter to the masses, the multitudinous warnings issued in the form of dystopian and science fiction over the darker side of the...
(ZHE) — Following a horrendous week of damage control through a choreographed game of MSM softball, Mark Zuckerberg is now trying to calm down Facebook employees in the wake of a...
(ANTIMEDIA) — Facebook’s user data gathering prowess has been common knowledge for some time now, but one journalist’s impromptu experiment suggests it is even more ubiquitous and...
“Is ‘fake news’ real?” asked investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson during a Tedx talk this month — posing the paradoxical question in the context of its explosion...
Social media critics of Israel’s occupation of Palestine have intimate familiarity with the swift hand of Facebook censorship, facing temporary or permanent account bans, post deletions,...