A mysterious and deadly virus is capturing global attention, sparking urgent travel warnings and widespread concern. Known for its unsettling...
In a world where mental health awareness is on the rise, myths and misunderstandings still linger, shaping perceptions in ways that can be harmful and misleading....
Matter is what makes up the Universe, but what makes up matter?
"What’s outside the simulation?"
“Highly evolved people have their own conscience as pure law.” ~Lao Tzu If we heed these wise words by Lao Tzu, then it stands to reason...
“The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.”...
The best thing about this breathing technique is that no one will even know you’re doing it.
Déjà vu, the phenomenon of feeling like you’ve already experienced something before – a smell, a room, someone’s presence, even though you don’t have a conscious...