China's ocean waste dumping surged 27% in 2018, the highest level in at least a decade.
Experts say the inga tree could help slow or even stop deforestation in the sensitive Amazon region.
A new investigation has found that equipment belonging to PG&E may have been at fault in contributing to over 400 fires in California last year.
By 2021, the rainforest could cease to produce its own rain and simply degrade into dry savannah and grasslands.
Coca-Cola is responsible for more plastic trash than the next top three polluters combined.
The fish in question is the northern snakehead fish, which can breathe on air and survive for days on dry land.
Huge stretches of the Pacific are now engulfed in a massive heatwave and the effects could be devastating.
A baby elephant died after falling into a waterfall. Another five elephants drowned trying to save it.