Enlightenment is not a remote state of Consciousness that we need to achieve some time in the future, but it is the very heart of our...
What does it mean to be “awake“? It has happened to all of us that we came under the spell of a moment some time during our...
With all the negativity that surrounds us daily and all the evil that is happening in the world today, we sometimes need a reminder that there...
A recent study has shown scientists that dogs are similar to humans in how they recognize the emotions expressed in facial expressions. Dogs prefer to look...
Researchers have been working on a brand new study based on prairie voles actually consoling their loved one who are feeling stressed, and based on the...
If you or someone you know has had the unfortunate experience of being diagnosed with cancer you have had to make some tough choices in order...
Our whole life is a rush. We chase our desires and unfulfilled dreams. We are attracted by money, power, prestige, a wholesome, happy life. Spurred by...
My life has gone through a series of ups and downs over the last year. I’ve had incredible high’s and have experienced some deep, dark lows....