A soap bubble may serve as a good symbol of our individual, separate existence, as it surrounds and protects us, but at the same time completely...
“When a public is stressed and confused, a big lie told repeatedly and unchallenged can become accepted truth.” ~George Orwell The idea of slavery is one...
“Meditation is a subtle, barely perceptible stream, in which you will experience a radical shift of the center of gravity. The manifestation, limited in time and...
The true revolution of our time is the revolution of Consciousness. This revolution is taking place Now, in the Present Moment. There are no strategies, no...
Hermann Hesse’s timeless book, Siddhartha, should be required reading for any spiritual seeker. The book is about Siddhartha’s journey as a respected son of a Brahmin. Everyone...
There are three transformational processes within the evolution of the Consciousness. These are, in fact, three levels of development. At these different levels of development the...
On a bleak weekday of your spiritual Journey you arrive home, full of stress and frustration, and open the mailbox. It is, as usual, full of...
That ‘off’ feeling in your gut when you know you have to meet a deadline, or that obsessive-compulsive slant you slide into when you need to...