Allow me to draw your attention to an apparently surprising thing. If I told you that now, when you are reading these lines, you are in...
Which will it be? Zazen, Vipassana, Transcendental, Mantra, Dzogchen, Mindfulness, or one of the numerous other types of mediation? With everyone from business tycoons to sixth-generation...
Many things have changed due to technological advances. I noticed this just yesterday when thinking about writing an old-fashioned letter. Yes, those aren’t as important anymore,...
In a place known as the Sistine Chapel of Paleolithic cave art, in the region of Bizkaia, Spain, 50 cave etchings have been discovered. They were...
A Zen koan is a finger pointing at the moon. It isn’t meant to serve up absolute truth on a platter, but to help a seeker...
Today, it is clear for almost every spiritual seeker that we live in the era of awakening. However, what is the awakening is most misinterpreted. Many...
Is it possible to wake-up? It is totally possible. But untill we are fully awake to this, we sleep on. Let us take a closer look at...
The world’s first farm to use seawater and sunlight to grow food in the middle of a desert just opened. Using coconut husks, 23,000 mirrors to...