Stephen Hawking, as well as some other world-renowned scientists, has long warned about the dangers of artificial intelligence to humanity. He believes that if robots exude...
Here are five facts about the Total Lunar Eclipse taking place on Sunday September 27th/ Monday Sept 28th, (Scroll down to #5 to learn about what...
A recent experiment in quantum teleportation has set a new distance record. Does it mean that we are one step closer to a real-life Star Trek?...
We all know about the vital importance of trees to our planet and all living beings on it. Thanks to the process of photosynthesis, trees produce...
Moving past any type of addiction can be extremely difficult. Unfortunately, your situation may also be exacerbated by feelings of anxiety or depression. As most recovering...
“What is God after all? An eternal child playing an eternal game in an eternal garden.” ~ Sri Aurobindo Einstein’s work had most scientists believing that...
Solar power has been gaining more and more popularity worldwide since the efficiency of solar panels has significantly increased during the recent years, along with the...
In this chaotic, cabal-driven world, what can we do to affect change? This is no prosaic question. It is not the hackneyed, predictable call of the...