A Zen koan is a finger pointing at the moon. It isn’t meant to serve up absolute truth on a platter, but to help a seeker...
Today, it is clear for almost every spiritual seeker that we live in the era of awakening. However, what is the awakening is most misinterpreted. Many...
“There is no death! Only change exists, and there are wonderful changes in the space of Consciousness, who you really are ” –Frank M. Wanderer During...
Time and energy are the fundamental resources we have in this existence. We spend our time acquiring energy to exist, and we spend our energy to...
Who or what am I? I’m just the sum of my personal life story, memories, experiences, thoughts and sufferings? Or is therein me a hidden dimension of...
During our spiritual Journey through the world of shapes and forms, we are often under the effect of our daily disappointments, as our “sandcastles come tumbling...
Everything is in motion. The things that effect you are the things that move you physically. The things that affect you are the things that move...
My life has gone through a series of ups and downs over the last year. I’ve had incredible high’s and have experienced some deep, dark lows....