A Tennessee man with extraordinarily good luck nearly became the most unlucky man in the world, but his good fortune ultimately managed to win the day....
A fisherman from a poverty-stricken village in Thailand has managed to hit pay dirt after finding a stunning and rare orange pearl worth more than $330,000...
A 20-year-old student who joined the wave of amateur investors who bought shares in Gamestop managed to win big in last week’s run on the retailers’s...
A young man enjoyed a special 21st birthday after he found out that his first legal beer was purchased by his late father, who died several...
That's not something you see every day.
Mexico could soon become the largest consumer market for cannabis products in the world.
The car was perfectly suited for a specialized task that your typical “black and white” is hardly cut out for.
Apodaca now has a home that has five bedrooms and three bathrooms, and was purchased entirely with $320,000 in cash.