The legendary street artist Banksy is sponsoring a boat that is being used to rescue refugees traveling to Europe from North Africa.
A new tradition, known as Tanbo art, is grown from the village rice paddies.
In these divisive times, there’s surely one thing that can unite us all: a deep appreciation for Sean Connery.
Sadly, there seems to be no record of how many of these machines were made but they are rare and highly sought after by collectors.
Fortunately, visitors won’t have to deal with the creature’s dreaded atomic breath.
With the help of carpenters and sound engineers, a giant xylophone was built in the forest, raised off the ground by pillars.
The daisugi technique, like bonsai, is a forestry technique that involves heavily pruning the mother tree which allows narrow saplings to shoot upwards.
As people have been quick to point out, the resemblance between the new theater and the legislative chamber from the Star Wars prequels is uncanny.